8.02, MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney
02 9223 4333
Eden Bar and Restaurant, has grown into the site which previous held @Work Bar and Restaurant, just off Sydney’s Martin Place. Gone is the mildly amusing name (at least it was the first time you used it) and instead you’ll find “a garden of relaxation in the heart of the city.”
Eden’s expansive terrace captures Sydney’s al fresco dining experience providing an oasis of calm, right next to the office. The venue’s manifesto tells us that Eden “draws its inspiration from classic brassieres where quality food, meets a friendly atmosphere.”
The Head Chef Martin Kramer (ex-Reef Restaurant, Terrigal) certainly plans to deliver on the quality food aspect with his express bistro lunch menu and excellent evening tapas selection, while Wally Pack (ex-Opera Bar and Bligh Bar, Sydney) hosts your drinking/dining experience with his finely tuned and friendly service skills, while his professional staff serve up, five-star cocktails, quality wine, and an extensive selection of world class rums (those of you who fancy themselves as rum aficionados will know Eden as the home of the Sydney Rum Club).
Pack, being no stranger to the bar himself, has also created his signature ‘Sunday Roast’ cocktail; apparently (and we don’t know who would argue with him) the world’s first Lamb infused Mojito!