The Patron Spirits Company have decided to take on the luxury vodka market with the release of Ultimat Vodka. Produced in Poland, Ultimat uses a trio of grains (wheat, rye and potato) to create this unique luxury spirit. The wheat is utilised to create a smooth texture, the rye to yield complexity and the potato for richness.
The spirit is distilled using artesian well water, ceramic filters, an advanced distillation process – a “precision hydro-selection” – and carbon candle filtration. The result is boasted to be an “unrivalled, truly distinct, ultra-pure spirit that sets the standards for ultra-premium vodkas”.
The crisp, clean velvety Ultimat vodka is bottled in cobalt-blue hand blown glass decanters – a hallmark of spirits produced by The Patron Spirits company.
Southtrade International officially released the product into the Australian market at Sydney’s Summit on Tuesday night.
For further information please contact Southtrade International on 02 9922 2816