BARTENDER: Jordan Harris, Brisbane


VENUE:  The Laneway

ADDRESS:  181 Mary Street, Brisbane

PHONE:  07 3229 2271




How long have you been bartending?

Four years.

Where have you worked previously?

Press Club, Depot and a few restaurants where I grew up.

What is your proudest moment behind the bar?

I would love to say bringing the intimate bar culture to the Brisbane CBD, but beating Perry Scott in a recent dance off was pretty damn good.

And most embarrassing?

There was a certain incident with a bottle of Noilly Prat and a sink but I’m not sure whether I’m that embarrassed about it.


Describe your fantasy bar.

Basement level with an even lower wine cellar.  Loads of cheese, stiff drinks and a subdued atmosphere.  And a 24 hour licence.

What is your favourite product to work with at the moment and why?

I love working with Rum and Tequila at any time but it is nice to pull out the Midori every now and then.

What products do you think will be hot over the coming year?

Since opening we have seen a massive attack on classic rum cocktails without the Tiki influence.  Perhaps it’s getting more respect in these parts than American or Scotch whisk(e)y.

What classic cocktail gets you going?

New York Flips and Corpse Revivers.

Can you tell us some of your favourite bars to visit?

The Bowery, Sling and The Lark (though I’m not there nearly enough).  For the after work party X & Y is the favourite.  Their patience with us is remarkable…


What’s been your favourite bar to work in?

Press Club was loads of fun but Ryan and Rory are the dream team to work with.

What’s your favourite bar gadget?

The two piece Carl Mertens Stainless Shakers we use at the Laneway. And the toastie machine.

What’s your favourite city?

Brisbane is my home, but it would have to Melbourne.  Although an upcoming trip to Cuba might throw that.

What’s your favourite movie?

Depending on the mood it’s between The Life Aquatic and 300.

Do you have a favourite bar joke? What is it?

What’s the difference between a bartender and God?  God doesn’t think he’s a bartender. (An oldie, but a goodie).


Can you juggle, perform any magic tricks or have any other unusual talents?

I can’t juggle though I do a mean Robot.

What was the last book you bought?

An old edition of Michael Jackson’s Whisky Companion

What kitsch cocktail garnish best describes your personality? (I.e. plastic monkey, sparkler, cocktail parasol etc)

I would have to be a cocktail onion.

If you were to be something other than a bartender, what would it be and why?

Some sort of count living it up in the French Alps.

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