Over 32,000 award nominations for Australian Bar Awards!

Voting for this year’s Bartender Magazine Australian Bar Awards has smashed all previous records returning over 32,000 individual award nominations for 2011!

The count was tireless, and numbers were checked and rechecked to whittle down the finalists. This fantastic voting turn out shows that this valuable industry initiative continues to be the focal point of the bar industry’s calendar.

From everyone here at Australian Bartender magazine we would like to take the opportunity to thank each person who took the time to vote, and to congratulate all the industry identities and venues that have been nominated for this year’s Bartender Magazine Australian Bar Awards.

The bar awards celebrates the hard work of the industry personal that makes the Australian bar scene the thriving and exciting place that it is today.

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Be sure to grab a copy of the July issue of Australian Bartender magazine to see all of the nominated finalists.

Head to www.barshow.com.au to register for Sydney BarShow Week and if you or your venue is nominated for the finals then be sure to purchase your tickets to the Bartender Magazine Australian Bar Awards – Australia’s ‘Oscars’ for the bar industry.

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