Italy’s New Premium Energy Drink

The new Italian energy drink Boca Lupo

Why would a bartender be interested in another energy drink? It’s a fair question.

What you need to ask yourself is; what if there was an energy drink that actually tasted great, and was the perfect mixer? What if there was a premium energy drink from Italy that didn’t contain artificial flavours, colours or preservatives?

And was made with the delicious fruit juice of oranges, pineapple, peach and passionfruit, and also did its bit for the preservation of wolves.  Well, there is an energy drink that does all of the above and it’s called Boca Lupo.

Boca Lupo is the only energy drink that can be mixed with Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Campari, Aperol, and Gin. This is what makes Boca Lupo unique, an amazing mixer, and the only energy drink with taste. Genius.


The first 100 bartenders to enquire at [email protected] will receive a free case of Boca Lupo.

  1. Hello where can we buy this drink?? We live in Northern New South Wales, Australia.

  2. Hey hallo,

    My name is Nico and i am from germany…. Where can i by the Energy Drink in Europe???
    Thanks for help


  3. Hey I have a friend 30th coming up and when we where 16 through to 18 we used to do runs to buy this from every store we could. No longer can find it in Australia. Wondering how I get my hands on a good amount ?

  4. Is there any place I can purchase this drink. I used to have this beverage with a mate of mine.

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