Bar Awards Social Shots – What a Night!

The Bartender Magazine Australian Bar Awards will be themed Mad Men in 2011

What a night it was! This year’s Bartender Magazine Australian Bar Awards capped off a terrific, and action-packed, week of festivities. This year’s winners shone in front of a room full of their peers, and their hard work rewarded by industry recognition.

The glitzy gala evening that is the Bar Awards was themed Mad Men this year and the crowds embraced the ‘period’ turning what is usually a spectacular evening into something that little more special.

“It was a first for the Bartender Magazine Australian Bar Awards,” said Bartender Editor David Spanton. “We wanted to add a new dimension to this year’s awards, and the Mad Men theme was a fantastic way to do it. It was terrific to see everyone dressed up for the evening – well done on a great effort!”

Check out a few action social shots here, and be sure to grab your November issue of Australian Bartender for the full Sydney BarShow Week winners’ edition wrap-up.

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Be sure to check out Sydney BarShow Week’s Facebook page for more action shots.

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