Honey Rider

230 Military Road
Neutral Bay, Sydney

The north side of the bridge continues to hot up with another tippling haunt recently opening. Honey Rider is located just down from the Pickled Possum and is sure to bring a finer touch to the area.

“Weekend trade has been great, lots of positive feedback,” said owner Phil Cahill. “We have been making a lot of cocktails with our Bon Bon Margarita one of the favourites.” Cahill also says that their tap beer has been a big hit.

“We have found that the two craft beers we run (Mountain Goat Steam Ale and Lord Nelson Three Sheets Pale Ale) are out selling the major brands.” Sounds like it’s hitting the spot.

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1 Comment
  1. If you haven’t been yet; I think you should definitely check this cool small bar out! Try the Porn Star Martini and you will never want to leave!

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