Win a trip to Cuba with Havana Club!

As part of the Havana Club Grand Prix Cocktail Competition you could win the chance to head to Havana, Cuba for a trip of a lifetime.

But you need to be quick on your feet as entries close Wednesday, December 21.

The most impressive entries will be notified and the Top 10 from each state will compete in local heats to be held throughout January and February 2012.

The Top 2 from each state will compete in the national final to be held in Sydney in March with the winner heading OS to Havana for the global final to be held between 20-25th May, 2012.

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Entry Requirements

1. Create a twist on a Havana Club Anejo Blanco Mojito
2. Create an original cocktail using Havana Club Anejo 7 Anos or Cuban Barrel Proof

3.       Answer the question below;

You’re at a dinner party with Fidel Castro, Ernest Hemingway and Primer Maestro Ronero – Don Jose Navarro. You’re allowed to bring one guest; who is it, and what would you ask your hosts?

Email your entry to: [email protected]

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