Twitter Tutorial! The best drinks tweeps to follow pt. 2
This feature appeared in the September issue of Australian Bartender.
Yesterday we brought you a list of international twitterers to follow, today it’s time for the local tweeps!
by David Spanton
The idea of having open communication with people and that anyone can listen in puzzled me and in many ways it still does, as there is no doubt there are many people who spend way too much time ‘following’ and tweet way too much useless information. This includes my number one gripe being people who tweet using Foursquare and informing everyone where he or she is every five minutes!
Those tweeps and their stalkers aside there are many good reasons you should get into Twitter, and frankly I think it’s way more beneficial and interesting than Facebook will ever be. Don’t get me wrong, Facebook is great. It’s just if I had to choose between one or the other then Twitter would win, hands down.
So with that idea in mind I thought I’d share with you some of the best drinks, bar people and brands that I have been following over the past few years. You can see for yourself how Twitter can open up a whole new world of great information. You’ll probably make some new like-minded friends and definitely be entertained along the way!
Some of Dave’s favourite local tweeps worth tweeting