East of Everything


This new bar appeared in the October issue of Australian Bartender.

72 Auburn Parade, Camberwell
03 9882 1086

If you were at cocktail joint, Bar None, in Camberwell and got a little restless and went exploring, you might be surprised at what you find in the apartment upstairs.
East of Everything is a beer focused bar that is, well, east of everything (at least as far as Melbournians are concerned).
Owners of Bar None, Michael and Genevieve Cotter, were getting so much interest in craft beer at their bar that they decided to open their own temple to barley water. “We have been particularly excited about bringing some of our favourite US craft beers to the area,” said Michael.
They’ve got American and local beers in the bottle and a bank of six taps on regular rotation. It’s also sporting one of the best short wine lists we’ve seen (there’s six white and six red on there) so you know your wingman will be covered if they’re into wine.

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