Happy Repeal Day!
December 5th is Repeal Day, people! On this day 79 years ago the noble experiment — Prohibition — ended in the US, when the 21st Amendment was ratified. That amendment repealed the 18th Amendment and once again opened taverns and inns and bars across the country.
In honour of that great nation coming to its collective spiritous senses, we’ll be raising a glass with this tipple. The Scofflaw is credited to Harry’s New York Bar, Paris from 1924, and was a term coined in a competition to describe those wicked people that frequented speakeasies — one, the competition organiser hoped expressed “the idea of lawless drinker, menace, scoffer, bad citizen, or whatnot, with the biting power of ’scab’ or slacker”.
Here’s to slackers and scofflaws everywhere.
The Scofflaw Cocktail
(Recipe adapted from Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails)
45ml Straight rye whiskey 30ml Dry vermouth 20ml Lemon juice 20ml Real pomegranate grenadine Dash of orange bittersAdd all ingredients into a mixing glass. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a lemon twist.