Introducing: Davide Bernacchia


Former male model, member of the Italian army, globetrotting bartender and notorious double-dater, we’d like to introduce you to Goldfish‘s man of the moment…


How long have you been bartending?

7 years.

Where have you worked previously?

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London, Paris, Milan and Amsterdam.

Before you were bartending what were you doing with yourself?

I served in the Italian Army in the Paratroopers Division. Modelling and I also did horse riding training.

What is your proudest moment behind the bar?

When my dad came to see me at work for the first time and I made him a Negroni.  He was surprised and said to everyone “I never thought he could make such a nice drink, that’s my son”.

And the most embarrassing?

Being caught out by the beautiful women for double dating. Makes things awkward when they also work in the hospitality industry. I can’t help it. I’m Italian and a lover of all women.

How do you keep the ‘chat’ up while you’re at work?

As a bartender you’re there to listen and ask questions. I am continually asking people questions and looking for ways to interact with them and share similarities.

How do you prepare for competitions?

Researching as much as possible about the brand, the ingredients I will use and how they fit in with the products, then mix, mix, mix until I find the right flavour profile.

What advice would you give a rookie bartender?

Always say yes, keep watching and learning from everyone you learn with. Always ask questions and don’t think you know everything, because you don’t.


What’s been your favourite bar to work in?

Goldfish Kings Cross of course. I love the people, the staff and all the energy and excitement of Kings Cross.

What’s your favourite bar gadget?

Boston Shaker. Who doesn’t love the shaker face?

What’s your favourite city to visit?


What’s your favourite movie?

You’d think it would be Cocktail, but no. Mine is Captain Hook, I wanna be a Pirate!

What’s your favourite sport?


What’s your favourite cocktail? (list ingredients and measurements)


45ml Campari

45ml Red Vermouth

Top with soda ( I like mine with tonic)

Slice of Orange & Lemon Zest

Tall glass


What spirit should people be drinking more of?

Dark rum. You can never have enough dark rum.

Can you tell us some of your favourite bars to drink at?

Eau De Vie (Sydney), Zeta Bar (Sydney), Gattopardo (Milan)

What is your favourite product to work with at the moment and why?

I love working with seasonal fruit and produce. When using fresh seasonal ingredients you get a unique and distinct taste that cannot be matched artificially. My cocktail lists are always inspired by what’s in season.

What is the weirdest or strangest drink you’ve ever had?

I’m not a fan of letting people get too crazy or experiment, but I’ve made a cocktail with caviar and martini gelatine.

What’s the most enjoyable occasion to have a drink?

When you’re in the company of a beautiful woman.

What do you drink to…

Unwind after a long shift?

Water, after being so dehydrated from a non-stop night for my cleanser before the nightcap or should I say daycap with my hours.

Impress a date?

French Champagne, girls love bubbles.

If you could have a drink with one person (alie or dead) who would it be and why?

Charlie Chaplin, he was an open minded person and style master.

Rye whiskey or Tequila?

Tequila!! Of course!!

Other Stuff:

What was the last book you bought?

“Sweet Temptations” – by Chrissy Symeonakis (she’s our awesome Events & Sales Girls at Goldfish Kings Cross) It’s about all the debauchery, darkness and relationships that come with being a part of the Hospo Industry from the eyes of a pastry chef.

If you were to be something other than a bartender, what would it be and why?

Rock Star, so I could tour the world, party and have groupies.

What products do you think will be popular over the coming months?

Spiced Rum is always a good one for summer. It’s versatile and easy to drink.

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