Drink up for Parched March 2013


Bars, dogs, drinks and a month of good times for a good cause: Parched March has kicked off for its fourth year. Once again, Sydney’s bars have whole-heartedly supported the city’s annual charity bar odyssey, joining long-time supporters such as The Keystone Group and Hugo’s.

“The mix is as eclectic as Sydney’s amazing bar scene,” says Parched March director Amy Cooper. “It’s going to be a great month of drinking, eating and socialising around town.”

The 60-plus bars will be raising funds for the Animal Welfare League NSW. Punters are encouraged to sign up at the website for the 30 Bars in 30 Days challenge.

This year, celebrity ambassadors including garden guru Jamie Durie, his dog Bodhi, and TV vet Katrina Warren will be enjoying Sydney’s nightlife for the cause.

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Visit parchedmarch.com for more info.

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