Bookworm: To Have and Have Another by Philip Greene


To Have and Have Another by Philip Greene

Hemingway is the bartender’s booze-fuelled writer-laureate. While the books of other non-bartender writers have found their way on to the bookshelves of many a bartender, there are few that are so commonly held on to as those by Hemingway — particularly given that there was rarely a recipe to be found within their pages (he did say that a writer ought to show, and not tell).

Well, Philip Greene, a writer and a founding member of the Museum of the American Cocktail, has done all the hard work and pulled together Hemingway’s prose and the recipes (and back stories) of the drinks Hem employed to show us what his characters were made of. It’s like a good Hemingway novel, without the all that boring non-booze stuff.

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