We’re continuing our series of interviews with women in the bar industry. Today, meet owner and bartender at Sydney’s The Hazy Rose, Dominique Easter.
Dominique Easter
Owner & Bartender, The Hazy Rose
Are there any women that served as role models for you?
Harriet Leigh, definitely. I’ve worked for her, she’s worked for me, we’ve been friends for a long time, but I’ve still never met anyone faster, who’s able to crack out so many amazing drinks and always with a smile; who can manage to be sexy to every person on the other side of the bar no matter what their sexuality, no matter what their age, no matter what their gender. She’s an entertainer, she’s the ultimate. And her drinks are always amazing. And Jess Arnott I’d say — I’ve never seen someone make such a good vodka lime and soda!
Are there any jobs you wouldn’t hire a man for?
No. There’s not. Had to think about that one though! I think that everyone can be trained to do a job and do it well, and take pride in it as well.
I suppose there’s one thing guys do better than girls and that’s chucking people out. It depends, as well, I’ve seen some girls kick ass over the boys but if someone gets particularly aggressive it’s nice knowing there’s some guys there willing to help you. Saying that though, whenever a guy has gotten aggressive with me, in my peripheral vision it’s not just the staff: you see every man in the venue stand up.