Essential training for your managers this July


By Jason Jelicich

When I am called into consult with venues ones of the first questions I always ask is ‘what’s your staff turnover rate?’ The reason I ask this is not to talk more about the staff but to get an idea of the quality of their managers.

You see, staff don’t leave businesses – they leave their managers.

All great businesses are formed around their ability to attract, develop and retain great people – and the managers are the key to making all of this happen. But frequently in our industry, managers are promoted into their positions with little or no preparation or training – making it hard for them to be at their most effective.

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We created the program From Technician to Magician some years ago after speaking to managers who were struggling to manage their time and deal with the pressures of leading a diverse team in busy service environments. The program is designed to recognise the shift from the ‘technical’ work of being a frontline staff member – towards the more cerebral work required for managing different people towards similar goals.

3 of the outcomes of the program are:
1. Controlling the Controllables: While there are some things you cannot control, you need to take full accountability for those you can and keep improving.
2. Different Strokes for Different Folks: All of us are different so don’t go thinking that your one style of management will work well for everyone – it needs to adjusted according to both the person and the situation.
3. Closing the Loops: Nothing’s more de-motivating for staff that to not be getting clear answers of direction from their leaders. Making poor decisions are better than not making any at all.

If these points ring true for you/ your managers, not to worry, we have course for that!
From Technician to Magician is an essential training program for new and emerging managers, helping them to see the big picture and start working ‘on’ and not just ‘in’ the business.

Come and join us on one of our 2 July sessions:

Sydney: 15th July (10am – 4pm), Clifton Training Suites, Sydney CDB
Melbourne: 16th July (10am – 4pm), Clifton Training Suits, Melbourne CBD

Cost is $295pp or $250pp for groups of 3 or more.

Only 20 places available in each program. Call Barmetrix on (02) 8417 2917 or visit our facebook page at


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