Indie Tasting Brisbane – seminars announced

Indie Bris Seminar

Indie Tasting Brisbane is exactly one month away (Sunday, 29th May – click here to book your tickets). The event is being staged at Lefty’s Old Time Music Hall from 12pm and you can expect over 25 suppliers showcasing more than 100 premium brands, both local and international, and many of them brand new to the market. There will also be 6 free seminars on the day from some really interesting industry voices including master distillers and brand owners. It’s first-in, best dressed, so grab your tickets now (they are only $20 plus booking fee if you jump online), for a full day of live music, lots of artisan brands, and general good times.

We are also happy to announce that all the seminars for the day have been locked in. Hosted by Australian Bartender magazine Editor, Sam Bygrave, there is sure to be some good learning going on. So read on to see which ones you want to grab a seat for:

TimeSeminarPresented by
12.15pm- 12.45pmHere’s what you should ask a craft distillerSam Bygrave and select master distillers
1pm – 1.30pmReturn to Craft ProductionBeenleigh Master Distiller Wayne Stewart
1.45pm – 2.15pmBartenders Guide to Better CoffeeMalcolm Gandar from Mr Black Cold Press Coffee
2.30pm to 3pmA Mixer RennaisanceAndy Gaunt from Fever Tree mixers
3.15pm to 3.45pmTerroir & the AgavePhil Bayly, Agave Love & Tequila World
4pm to 4.30pmMezcal – a journey through wild landscapesPhil Bayly, Agave Love & Tequila World

Indie Tasting Brisbane promises to be a day of good times and great spirits, with live music happening and the Mermaid bar open for drinks. Tickets are strictly limited and are only $20 (and on sale now — click here to get yours). Open to both consumers and trade, this event caters to all those with an interest in unique spirit brands.

If you’re interested in showcasing your brand there are still 2 tables left. Please email [email protected] or phone 0407 551 149 if you’re interested.



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