Indie Tasting Brisbane: less than 3 weeks away

rum barrels

Indie Tasting Brisbane hosted by Lefty’s Old Time Music Hall is only a few short weeks away (Sunday, 29th May – click here to book your tickets).

You’re all expecting lots of amazing hooch to sample and you won’t be disappointed. Click here to check out some of the amazing exhibitors we will have on show with so many brands making their debut into the Brisbane market. If it’s booze you’re into and you like discovering hidden gems then you will be able to sample moonshine from Perth, whisky from France, a frenzy of Mezcal brands and of course, heaps of spirits from Australia’s booming spirit industry.

To ensure your brain gets a workout and not just your taste buds, there will also be seminars covering everything from coffee liqueur to the secrets of the agave. Click here for the full line-up.

Indie Tasting Brisbane promises to be a day of good times, great spirits, a bit of education, rocking tunes from the Whiskey Blues and the Mermaid bar open for drinks. There are only 160 tickets left and entry will be strictly limited on the day. For just $20 (the cost of a burger in Sydney), it will be well worth it – click here to get yours. Open to both consumers and trade.

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If you’re interested in showcasing your brand there are still 2 tables left. Please email [email protected] or phone 0407 551 149 if you’re interested.

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