Want to open a bar? There’s just 9 seats left for this seminar that will get your business model right

Have you ever wanted to open your own bar? It’s the dream, right? Well, the first event kicking of Sydney Bar Week this year is all about business — but there’s just 9 seats left, so book now.

Daniel Knight is one half of the ownership duo behind Sydney bar of old, Hinky Dinks. He and business partner Jeremy Shipley built the bar into one of Sydney’s favourites before selling it back in 2015.

He’s also the author of The Small Business Samurai and will be sharing his tips on creating a vision for your bar business.

Take a look at the details below and get your tickets quick.

This is just one of the 25 events taking place over five days at Sydney Bar Week this year, which kicks off on Saturday 16 September and finishes up on the 20th. Click here to visit barweek.com.au to RSVP and book tickets for the events.

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EVENT: It all starts with a vision…
DATE: Saturday, 16th September
TIME: 2pm – 4pm
WHERE: Longrain, 85 Commonwealth Street, Surry Hills

Whether you own your own bar or are planning one soon, a clear vision is fundamental. Join me to create a compelling vision for your business, reframe your mindset for success and build a plan of action to keep you on track. I’ll also unpack my ideal business model that will redefine how you approach business forever. Presented by Dan Knight, the former co-owner of Hinky Dinks and author of The Small Business Samurai.

Book your ticket here.

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