This is how you cover a classic: The Baxter Inn’s Sparkling New York Sour

Back in the 2000’s it was all about ‘twisted classics’ — shorthand for taking a classic recipe, and, more often than not, fucking it up. You know, it’s like a cover of a great song — why do it if you can’t bring something new to the table?

Well the New York Sour is a classic cocktail we love, but we think we might like this riff on it from Travis Cosgrove and James Irvine of Swillhouse (the group behind the 2017 Bar of the Year, The Baxter Inn) even more.

There’s something about the combination of a spicy rye whiskey with dark red fruits, and when it’s carbonated in this fashion, well, you’ll probably ask them for the whole bottle.

Sparkling New York Sour recipe

  • 45ml rye whiskey
  • 45ml sour wine
  • 30ml soda water

Pour 150ml from Carb Rig (triple charge at 42 psi) into chilled wine over ice.

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For the New York Sour Wine:
750g Hubert Shiraz
375g Caster Sugar
200g Fresh Lemon Juice
20g Citric Acid
20g Malic Acid

2 Lemon peels, de-pithed.
Reduce wine with caster sugar on high heat for 15 minutes.
Once boiling remove from heat and allow cooling for 90 minutes in refrigerator uncovered.
Once chilled, Cryovac wine reduction with remaining ingredients and high pressure seal overnight.
Once ready stir and fine strain into a sterilised container.

Recipe by Travis Cosgrove & James Irvine, The Baxter Inn


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