Meet the Maker – Rob Samuels is in Town – well, Sydney and Melbourne — to talk all things Kentucky Whisky.
You’re invited to an intimate session with Rob, 8th Generation family member, where you will embark on the story of how Rob Samuels’ family has crafted this hand-made whisky, evolving into one of the world’s favourite bourbons.
You’re up first
Date: Tuesday 17th April Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Venue: The Whisky Room, The Clock, 470 Crown St, Sydney
Date: Wednesday 18th April Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Recoleta, Level 1/10 Bourke St, Melbourne
RSVP is a must, and limited spots available.
Visit and head to the ‘whats on’ page and your state and sign up!
Couldn’t be easier!