Held every two years, the Bartender Magazine Most Influential List sponsored by The House of Angostura is the original list of the who’s who of the Australian bar industry. Nominations close on Friday 7 June 2019 at midnight AEST — have your say now.
In the form here, we ask you, the Australian bar industry, to nominate the one person whom you think is the most influential in the industry. We are looking for people from all walks of the Australian bar industry, from owners to designers, bartenders to brand managers, writers to trainers — those who lead the way, who inspire, and who are shaping the future of our industry.
Once the nomination process has closed, the team at Australian Bartender will evaluate each nomination and decide upon the Most Influential Top 100, announced in August in the print edition of Australian Bartender and online at australianbartender.com.au. The Top 10 — including the number 1 Most Influential — will be announced at the exclusive Most Influential List Party during Sydney Bar Week on September 15.
The Bartender Magazine Most Influential List sponsored by The House of Angostura relies on your nominations – we want you to tell us who you think has most influenced the bar industry in your eyes over the last two years. Past winners have been influential Melbourne operator Vernon Chalker in 2009, Merivale’s Justin Hemmes in 2011, and Jason Scott and Anton Forte shared the honours in 2013, 2015 and 2017.
Nominations close on Friday 7 June 2019 at midnight AEST — have your say now.