It’s been all over the news and things are changing from moment to moment. From where ever you’re sitting, working, prepping to get your bar open or deciding to keep the doors shut, we thought you’d like a quick bullet-point breakdown of the easing of coronavirus restrictions nationwide for the hospitality industry that may impact your trade for this weekend. So here they are…
- Probably the brightest spot in the nation right now is the NT. From May 15 you can go the a pub, cafe or restaurant. There are no limits on numbers but there is a restriction of two-hours in the venue for each customer.
- In NSW, cafes and restaurants will be allowed to re-open for up to 10 patrons with operators still needing to keep to an average density of four square metres per person. As of Wednesday night, Gladys Berejiklian also extended this to include restaurants within pubs and clubs. But no matter your size, its 10 people at a time.
- In Victoria, restaurants and cafes remain take-away only.
- In SA, restaurants and cafes are now able to reopen to 10 patrons if they sit outside. From June 8, numbers will increase to 20 with full table service on the cards.
- In WA, from Monday May 18th cafes, bars, pubs and restaurants will also be allowed to seat up to 20 people both indoor and out. Premier Mark McGowan called for more al fresco dining where possible. and of course, the four-metre square rule still applies.
- In Tasmania, also from Monday, 18th May, cafes, bars, restaurants, pubs and RSLs can have 10 patrons complying with social distancing rules.
- In the ACT, from Saturday, pubs, clubs, bars and restaurants and cafes will be able to serve 10 seated guests, again with social distancing in effect.
- From Saturday, up to 10 Queenslanders will be allowed to dine in at restaurants, pubs, licensed clubs, RSL clubs and hotels, just like NSW. But if you live in some outback areas who have seen zero COVID-19 cases, this number has been upped to 20. From Friday, 12th June, this cap on numbers will extend to 20 people for the whole state.