We say goodbye to Editor, Sam Bygrave, after eight years at the desk

Nick Miles winning at the 2018 Bar Awards presented by Sam. Photo: Chris Pearce

Today is the final day that Sam Bygrave will sit in the Editor’s chair at Australian Bartender magazine. For those of you who have worked with him, been interviewed by him, travelled with him, had a drink (or 11) with him or spent any time with him at all, you will know what a stand up guy he is.

“I first met Sam back in January 2012,” says Dave Spanton, founder of Spanton Media Group. “We were hosting a cigar and cocktail matching class at Zeta bar and back then he was looking after one of Sydney’s most famous cigar bars – Cohiba in Darling Harbour.”

Click here to see the tasting and a fresh-faced Bygrave.

“It wasn’t long after that meeting, that our long-time editor and friend Mr Simon McGoram resigned and we took a chance on this young Mr Bygrave,” adds Dave. “He dazzled us with his writing and ability to get stuff done and within six months was sitting comfortably in the Editor’s chair and today, after a solid eight years, he gives that up.

“I have had the pleasure of working very closely with Sam over that time and can’t thank him enough for supporting Amy and me and making sure Bartender magazine has remained at number one throughout his tenure. He has been an amazing asset to us and our industry and we wish him all the success in the future.”

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We’re sure you will see him populating a bar stool and ordering up a daiquiri or two in the near future. We wish you all the best Sam, and thank you for all your hard work and the time you have put in at Spanton Media Group. You have left big shoes to fill.

Here’s just a few snaps to remember Mr Bygrave by…