The Blend is offering multiple grants of up to $20,000!
Yes, you read that correctly!
The Blend launches a new platform called the IDEA LAB to help support the Australian Bartender Community to rebuild, regenerate and, well… innovate!
Everything begins with an idea.
An idea to drive change, an idea to empower, or an idea to rebuild.
Most of the time, ideas stay as dreams, and unfortunately never become reality.
Either put on the back burner, sitting under a pile of notes gathering dust, thrown in the trash, or stored in someone’s brain with no voice to be shared. That makes us sad. Very Sad.
The IDEA LAB is here to make those dreams become a reality.
For our industry, it’s certainly been a time of hardship, impact and a lot of change for everyone.
Rules and regulations enforced by the government saw us face times of isolation and lockdown (for Victoria, twice and more extreme than we would have anticipated!)
It was here, at home, probably in active wear or pj’s, that we were given a chance to stop, re-evaluate and think.
A time to create and revolutionise.
Over the past few years, we’ve been witness to genius light bulb moments and topics of discussion that leaders of our industry have put into practice.
Take for example Trash Tiki, with the Sustainability, minimal waste movement, White Lyan removing ice from their venue operations, changing the ‘standard bar’, Tim Etherington judge with Healthy Hospo talking to Mental health; to name a few.
Those ideas have transformed and changed the way of the industry, not just locally, but globally!
Now we know there is a bank of ideas that are being sat on, no matter how big or small, that may not have had their chance to shine. That haven’t left that bar napkin it was scribbled on with that post shift whiskey.
Maybe due to resource support limitations, timings or financial investment not previously available. But… The IDEA LAB is here to help!
The IDEA LAB is giving away multiple grants of up to $20,000, as well as the option of applying for $5,000 worth of Beam Suntory stock support. (We have two (2) of these available!)” all the way to “Enter today online at or if you have any questions, ask your local The Exchange ambassador or email [email protected]