We work in an incredibly positive environment but we unfortunately still find it difficult to ask for help. COVID 19 ISO for everyone was a big test and some states endured it longer than others.
During this time silly drinking games were made up to keep people entertained. (Trust me I was guilty of joining in.) After a while it seemed like there was more to these games than just entertainment. It seemed like a cry for help with some people.
When I noticed some people hitting it harder than ever I decided to jump in and have a chat with these guys…nothing heavy, just checking in and seeing how everything was going.
I know I wasn’t the only one reaching out. Seeing these friends getting back on track and becoming more focused really goes to show that one interaction can make a difference in someone’s day.
I think deep down we all know that in Australia, hospitality is a wonderful network. We look after each other, not only in our home states but if we travel to other states we know we will be looked after. I genuinely believe that here in Australia we are like one big family. I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t be afraid to ask for help: don’t be afraid to reach out to people and ask for a chat. My door is always open for anyone who is struggling.
Don’t reach for the bottle but reach for that phone.
As I’m writing this now I’m actually reaching out to all my friends because I have broken my neck. Thankfully, I am expected to make a full recovery but for the next few months I’m in a brace and can’t leave my house.
My mental health has been a rollercoaster during this time. Reaching out to my friends and telling them I’m not doing okay has helped me focus and realise I can get through this. Their support and generosity has been more than I could have hoped for. In the end we should band together and always check on each other. We live in such a beautiful country and work in one of the best industries.
We stand together.
We are family.
Nothing but love.