The Campari Academy 2021, the year so far…

We’re nearly half-way through the year and we can all agree that it’s been amazing to get to bars across the country to safely connect and welcome our interstate friends back to their favourite spots. It has been even more incredible for us at the CAMPARI ACADEMY to be able to kick off 2021 with our ‘The Spritz Explained’ & ‘Mai Tai (R)evolution’ Training Programs, and for the first time since 2019, being able to host our Masterclasses around Australia.

Nature to Nurture with Sharon Flynn (The Fermentary)
In March, the CAMPARI ACADEMY was honoured to collaborate with Sharon Flynn, Australia’s leading expert on Fermentation, to deliver ‘Nature to Nurture’. This masterclass was delivered to bartenders in Melbourne, Brisbane & Sydney, with Adelaide coming
up soon.

Over the past 20 years Sharon has cultivated an incredibly deep connection with fermentation; not just the practices, but also the rituals, culture and people that have created these traditions across the world. With her journeys taking her from Japan to the USA, Sharon set up The Fermentary in picturesque Daylesford, regional Victoria, in 2014 as an opportunity to fill a gap in the market for high quality, naturally fermented living food and drinks.

Sharon and The Fermentary’s products interpret traditional ferments from around the world, ranging from foods like Pickles, Sauerkrauts & Kimchi to popular beverages such as Kombucha, Kvass & Jun. If you want to explore and understand these and many other fermented products, Sharon’s book ‘Ferment for Good’ is a must-read for anyone wanting to establish or better understand the Art of Fermentation.

With Sharon’s expertise, the CAMPARI ACADEMY team were able to explain, uncover and take a deep dive into WHY fermentation has made such an impact not just to us within the bar and hospitality landscape, but also to the evolution and sustenance of civilisations. Not only do most products used in a bar start their lives off through fermentation, but there are so many ways in which to integrate fermentation into your individual bar programs.

Mixing with Ferments
When it comes to making drinks in your bars, flavour is always the pinnacle outcome that connects concept, ideology & experience between bartenders and guests. We could say that flavour is the soul of your drinks. One thing we learnt from Sharon over the course of these masterclasses is that fermenting food and drinks not only develop amazing flavour, but also some incredible health benefits for your guts.

Knowing that bartenders all around Australia have found new and innovative ways to bring different fermentation styles into their bars, we reached out to Jamie Flemming (Alba Bar & Deli), Will Sleeman (Capitano), Alex Gondzioulis (Bulletin Place), Adam Hingston & Nick Corletto (Maybe Mae) and Darren Leaney, to take The Glen Grant Arboralis Single Malt and mix it with some of their in-house fermented preparations.

Arboralis Weiss Bar
Adam Hingston & Nick Corletto – Maybe Mae, Adelaide

30ml The Glen Grant Arboralis
20ml Mango Wine
20ml Ginger Wine
20ml Koji Rice Syrup
15ml Citric Barley Amakaze

Combine ingredients in shaker and top with cubed ice
Shake hard and fast
Fine Strain into a ceramic cup
Garnish Toasted Koji Rice
Forest & Trees
Alex Gondzioulis – Bulletin Place, Sydney

35ml The Glen Grant Arboralis
15ml Cinzano 1757 Extra Dry Vermouth di Torino
20ml Champagne Acid
20ml Green Tea Syrup
70ml Mango & Mint Kombucha

Batch in Multiples of 8
Chill as cold as possible
Force Carbonate three times at 40psi
Pour over ice into a highball glass
Garnish Edible Flower

What’s next for the Campari Academy?
As always, the CAMPARI ACADEMY team has planned engaging, educational and inspiring sessions to be taken to bartenders around the country through our Training Program and Masterclasses for the rest of 2021.

These sessions will take the amazing products of CAMPARI GROUP portfolio and connect them with topics ranging from the importance of Water in Bourbon production to understanding the Spirit of Distillation.

To keep up to date and access exclusive digital learning materials (like the full booklet from Nature to Nurture), be sure to sign up to the CAMPARI ACADEMY website today.

Ciao, Luca, Jay, Daniele & Tristram