The IDEA LAB is BACK! Grants of up to $5000 are on offer to Scholars to bring inspiring hospo initiatives to life

The IDEA LAB is BACK! Grants of up to $5000 are on offer to Scholars to bring inspiring hospo initiatives to life

The Scholarship program want to see your hospitality dreams become reality. That’s why last year the IDEA LAB program was born and awarded $80,000 worth of grants to five innovative and forward-looking hospitality projects.

And that’s why The IDEA LAB back for another round of funding.

It’s all about the idea. The right idea from the right people executed well at the right time can change hospitality for the better.  Think of IDEA LAB as The Scholarship investing in inspiring ideas, supporting those from all levels of the industry to create and to make a positive change.

“The Scholarship program want to see your hospitality dreams become reality. That’s why last year the IDEA LAB program was born and awarded $80,000 worth of grants to five innovative and forward-looking hospitality projects.”

After all, a career in a creative industry like hospitality can take on surprising new directions. But in 2021, the rules about how to forge a rewarding and full career in hospitality have been thrown out the window. Now more than ever is a time for great ideas and innovative projects.

If you’re one of the 170 recruits that took part in The Scholarship program this year, it’s you who they are looking to.

You’ve watched the online workshops, you’ve studied up, and now it’s time to throw down.


  1. Submissions are open now, and close on the 15th of November 2021 — so, you know, it’s time to get to work.
  2. You must be part of 2021 The Scholarship Program.
  3. You can enter as an individual, or as a team (of a maximum of four people, all must be Scholars) and you can apply for either a grant of $1000, $2000, or $5000 — whichever works to get your idea up and running. You’ll need to do some work on breaking down your budget for the project, and know it inside out before you enter, so as we said before, it’s time to get to work.
  4. You must pull some inspiration from one of The Scholarship program virtual workshops you’ve attended. Perhaps Luke Whearty’s koji fermentation demo planted the germ of an idea you want to grow bigger; maybe Sharz Shabani Pour’s social media masterclass inspired you to make things better online. It doesn’t matter which workshop you draw inspiration from, all that matters is the great idea it inspires in you.
  5. LINK TO ENTRY is found in The Scholarship community Facebook group!
  6. The Blend’s expert panel of judges will review the entries, and select the winning ideas that will be announced on December 3 2021.

Any questions reach out by clicking here.