The London Wine Competition, London Spirits Competition, and London Beer Competition are international wine, spirits, and beer competitions organized by Beverage Trade Network. The competitions reward wines, spirits, and beers that are made well, taste great, offer great value for money and stand out on the shelf. Winning a Gold at the awards clearly demonstrates the trade of how well the winning wine, spirit, or beer will be perceived in the market and will give the trade a very good indicator to stock that product.
Enter your wines, beers and spirits before February 28, 2022 and grow your brands globally with Beverage Trade Network’s media network. Please use below links to learn more and how to enter.
The London Competitions have been created exclusively by the Beverage Trade Network, the US drinks events, services, business, and publishing group dedicated to helping drinks producers and brand owners get closer to the buyers, distributors and retailers that can bring their products to market.