Kick off your Sydney Bar Week with Altos Tequila’s Recovery Café

Sunday, 4th September
11am – 1pm
Juanita’s, The Butler, 123 Victoria Street, Potts Point

As Sydney Bar Week kicks off, drop into the Altos Tequila Recovery Café to take some time for you. It’s the perfect opportunity to stop and take a second. Enjoy an Altos Marg, a coffee, some food, or treat yourself to a massage – all on the team at Pernod.

Everyone welcome. Email [email protected]

Sydney Bar Week 2022

This event is part of the 5-day Sydney Bar Week line-up (3-7 September).

Sunday, 4th September
11am – 1pm
Juanita’s, The Butler, 123 Victoria Street, Potts Point
Email [email protected]

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