

Sweet&Chilli looking for a senior consultant

This role involves leading the consultancy department across a number of projects for Sweet&Chilli, collaborating across a number of departments; Atypical (Hotel and property consultancy), Diageo Bar Academy, Diageo Brand Ambassadors, Cocktail Porter and S&C Studio.

Fever-Tree is on the search for their first ever national Brand Ambassador 

Since 2005, Fever-Tree has been at the forefront of the mixed drinking revolution across the globe.  From humble beginnings with an idea to the global leader in premium mixers across 80 countries, Fever-Tree is entering an exciting phase of life here in Australia and is on the search for our first ever national Brand Ambassador.   

Summer Bartender Noosa

Hey guys, We are a very busy beach frontage restaurant located at Noosa…. Seeking a very hard working and experienced bartender to work the summer season…. This is an open and mainly Dispense Bar making drinks for the restaurant guests…. Need to be able to work tidily, fast and efficiently and be prepared for some

Seachange Cocktail Bartender

Looking for a seachange? Want to leave your mark on a local industry? The Milestone Group of venues in the Northern Territory is always looking for talented and passionate bartenders that can assist us in our dream of improving the standard of bartending in the NT.  You will work at one of multiple Milestone Venues such as