Taka is a busy guy — the day we visit him at Gilt (he’s since moved on to Black by Ezard) he is sorting out two functions, meeting with reps and posing for our photoshoot. But he takes it all in his stride, which is an approach that has seen him compete successfully in a number of competitions. he’s a humble guy too, not wanting to give out too much advic e to newbies as he reckons he’s still not been in the game long enough. Read on for more…
Tag: gilt
Scotch whisky gets a lot of the world’s attention in the global spirits market. But it’s not the only game in town and when it comes to mixing drinks and creating cocktails, bartenders seem to be turning to Irish whiskey more and more – partly due to its mixability (as we’ll see below) but also because it is a category that has been underdeveloped in Australia until recently, with the arrival of Redbreast and Writer’s Tears in addition to the forthcoming Green Spot.