This Mamie Taylor recipe was popular right across the States until Prohibition. Following Repeal, this very refreshing beverage unfortunately never took off again – more the shame.
Tag: scotch
The Cameron’s Kick is a mixological paradox, a curio and an oddity. By rights the…
Call it an eye-opener, a pick-me-up, a corpse reviver — no matter the name, if you were a sporting man, you’d have downed a drink like this Morning Glory Fizz.
in the pursuit of a new whisky that is worthy of sitting in the William Grant & Sons portfolio, Ailsa Bay has created new data-driven processes to refine the craft they’ve perfected over nearly 150 years.
Poor old blended whisky. In this brave new world of boozing, where ballsy ryes proclaim their 95% rye mash bill, of high proof spirits and super-hopped IPA’s, spirits like blended whisky can get a little lost in the noise. It’s not that the spirits aren’t well made — on the contrary, really, because the art of blending and creating a consistent product year in and year out is one of the toughest gigs in the business.
Mixxit Chronicles have returned — and their training session on Scotch and Irish whiskies have been a hit with bartenders in Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. We popped by the session held last week at Sydney’s The Wild Rover and spent the better part (in more ways than one) of the afternoon sipping whisk(e)y and hearing the profanities pile up in an entertaining fashion.
That television show that encouraged men and women everywhere to pick up an Old Fashioned,…
What sort of state is the world of whisk(e)y in?
With a punchy abv that’s a tick over 46%, the ’18’ retains much of its natural character and flavour profile ensuring you’ll feel as though you’re sitting on Islay high above the distillery, gazing toward Jura.
There are two distinct camps of Scotch whisky; Single Malt Scotch and Blended Scotch. The latter is the relative new kid on the block, only coming into existence since the ability to continuously distil spirits was available due to the advent of the Continuous still in 1831.