The Sailor Jerry Road to Rolling Stone Australia Awards will visit Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane at the sticky-floored band rooms that punters miss so dearly. The team at Sailor Jerry are super keen to see as many industry folks as possible at these free live music events. The doors are open, so make sure you get on down.
Tag: Suzie Wong’s Good Time Bar
‘The lights, the music. Gone. COVID killed what the elders in Footloose couldn’t. For the months that followed, the idea of breathing the same bodily fluid-filled air as hundreds of strangers became as appealing as licking a hospital doorknob.’
“If I could have a drink with someone (alive or dead) I’d have an original Bacardi Breezer with the exec that decided to take that off the market, so I could explain to him what a mistake he’s made.” – Charlie Hunter, Suzie Wong’s Good Time Bar