The house grog (a proprietorial blend of unaged rum, aged rum, a dark Jamaican style rum and an overproof rum) is the key to emulating the classic tiki drinks of yesteryear such as the Mai Tai says Jacoby’s owner, Pasan Wijesena.
Tag: tiki cocktails
But tiki drinks were popular not just in the USA and Hawaii and the Caribbean.
We’ve got two tiki drinks here today that come from another of the world’s great tropical destinations: South East Asia.
It’s not often enough that Bartender is able to make it over to Western Australia to check out what Dirk Hartog (the first European to visit the coast) saw in 1616. So when James Connolly (Defectors Bar) put his hand up for to organise this month’s Tiki Tastic Cocktail Experiment – how could we refuse?