Wine Shield – Revolutionary Wine Preserver

Wine Shield

Wine Shield, by Wine Preserva, is a revolutionary new product that promises to keep wine fresh for up to five days after the bottle is opened – set to save your bar thousands of dollars per annum in wastage.  Wine Shield, scientifically tested by world regarded laboratories in Australia and USA, is a disc that takes five seconds to insert, and when deployed into an opened bottle will act as a screen to protect wine from the damaging effects of oxidation.

For a bar this means that more premium wines can be offered by the glass as the wine will retain full taste and aroma for up to five days after opening – giving your staff ample time to sell the product. Unlike other wine preserving methods, Wine Shield only needs to be inserted into the bottle once after opening, so staff can ‘set it and forget it’. This distinguishes Wine Shield from pumps and argon gas systems, where open bottles of wine need to be gassed and pumped multiple times to maintain freshness. Pumping removes wine aromas and the gas dissolves into the atmosphere, or the wine.

“Winemakers appreciate our approach, as they use ‘lids’ on the wine in tanks when they are in the winemaking process, for the very purpose of keeping oxygen from the wine.” – Inventor, Barry Rees

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Inventor, Barry Rees developed the product after watching busy bar staff struggling with clumsy argon gas bottles and endlessly pumping vacuum pumps.

“Winemakers appreciate our approach, as they use ‘lids’ on the wine in tanks when they are in the winemaking process, for the very purpose of keeping oxygen from the wine,” explains Rees.

Importantly, Wine Shield is more cost effective than other products on the market. Compared with up to $1.00 per bottle for other methods, Wine Shield offers the same level of protection at a wholesale volume price of less than 40 cents per disc.

“As you only need one Wine Shield for every bottle of wine, it not only minimises your wastage but it will keep your operating costs down, giving you the freedom to offer more wines by the glass (and premium products) without the threat of oxidation and profits poured down the drain. Tests show that large restaurants can lose up to $20,000 per year in wine wastage,” Rees concludes.

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