The World’s 50 Best Bars have a new number one


On Thursday night in London, the annual World’s 50 Best Bars gala ceremony was held and Australian Bartender was on hand to cheer on the Aussies on the list.

Melbourne bar — and long time feature on the list — Black Pearl came in at number 22. Sydney bar Bulletin Place returns to the list and lands at 46th position. And The Baxter Inn has the honour of being named the best bar in Australasia for the third year running, landing at number 12 on the list.

Finally, after a long reign by The Artesian bar as the number one in the world, there’s a new bar sitting atop the global list: New York bar Dead Rabbit Grocery & Grog, pictured above.

The team behind the Dead Rabbit, Jack McGarry and Sean Muldoon, are no strangers to acclaim: they’ve previously won similar titles at Tales of the Cocktail’s Spirited Awards.

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The World’s 50 Best Bars is voted for by an academy of 476 members from 57 countries across the globe and keenly anticipated each year.

To take a look at the full list click here.

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