Go inside the new Potts Point Hotel

Potts Point Hotel

Potts Point Hotel

381 Crown St, Surry Hills, NSW

When we travel interstate, a question we get asked often is, how is Sydney doing? It’s often asked with the sympathy reserved when asking after a sick relative, but it’s not necessary. To paraphrase Mark Twain, the reports of Sydney’s death have been greatly exaggerated.

Kings Cross (or Potts Point, whatever you want to call it these days) is hanging in there even if only just, and the rejuvenation of the old Sugarmill, now called the Potts Point Hotel, is a welcome jolt to the area.

Food is a big focus, with head chef Tushad Bamji smoking meats each day (think Carolina pulled pork shoulder, been brisket and the like), and with ex-The Rook bartender and manager Rollo Anderson on board overseeing the drinks.
He’s put together an extensive beer list (there’s 16 of them on tap, with another 40 bottles residing in the fridge), and a cocktail list that draws inspiration from the often dubious characters that kept the Cross open throughout its reign as the city’s red light district.

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Those red light days may be numbered, but with Anderson on the tins you know there’s a beacon of good drinking hope on the strip.

Take a look at the bar below.

Potts Point Hotel

PPH cocktails

Potts Point Hotel

Potts Point Hotel

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