Sam Egerton to compete for Chivas Masters title


Sydney bartender Sam Egerton is off to the US soon to compete against 11 bartenders from other countries for the title of Chivas Master Bartender.

Egerton, who was selected by Chivas to compete, is the venue manager of Merivale cocktail den, Palmer & Co.

The competition challenges the bartenders to create cocktails from what they call the four great eras of bartending:  the ‘Classic Age’ (1880-1920), the ‘Post War Boom’ (1945-1965), the ‘Disco Years’ (1975-1990), and the present ‘Age of Revivalism’.

Egerton will compete in front a panel of esteemed New York bartenders before flying down south to New Orleans for Tales of the Cocktail. The winner of the title of Chivas Master Bartender will be announced at a special event during Tales of the Cocktail.



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