No Negroni Without Campari

No cocktail in the modern era has captured the imagination of the bar community quite like the Campari Negroni.

Quite rightfully, the classic recipe was the hero of Negroni Week. It’s a formulation that is hard to go past: Sweet with a bitter edge, strong but wholly drinkable; the mix of Campari, gin and sweet red vermouth is a menu staple for any good bar.

What is the Negroni?

Simple and balanced, the Negroni is considered to be one of the most famous Italian cocktails in the world. Invented in 1919 by Count Negroni – who asked to add a touch of Gin rather than soda to his Americano, in honour of his last trip to London – the cocktail was finally named after the count who adored it. The Negroni is part of the official cocktail list of the IBA (international bartending association) and IBA cocktails are prepared all over the world according to this original recipe


  • 1 part (30ml) Campari
  • 1 part (30ml) Gin
  • 1 part (30ml) Red Vermouth
  • 1 slice of orange

Make It:

Pour all ingredients directly into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with a slice of orange

However there are some rules to respect to execute the perfect Negroni:

Do not shake it!

A perfectly poured trinity of Campari, Gin and Vermouth will deliver a perfectly balanced drink in terms of sweetness, bitterness and floral and herbal aromatics. As soon as this is “shaken”, this balance falls out, and the delicious flavour profile of the Negroni is lost. To do the perfect Negroni add plenty of ice and stir it gently.

Do not flame an orange peel!

The original and perfect garnish for the Negroni is a nicely trimmed and sliced orange wedge. Many bartenders will also add a light cloud of expressed orange oils from an orange peel onto the surface of the Negroni – this is a fantastic addition in completing the Negroni experience. In saying this, do not flame the orange peel! This action adds burnt flavour to the surface of the Negroni, ruining the beautifully balanced flavours. Some bartenders will also rub the skin of the orange peel over the rim of the glass – we do not recommend this the orange peel retains some heavier and more bitter oils trapped under the skin. Rubbing the skin over the glass rim will be flavour overkill, again, throwing out the balance of the Negroni.

But the most important one is:

Add your twist:

Negroni has the particularity of being extremely versatile and welcoming new flavours really well. Whether it is spices, herbs or even chocolate that marries really well with the orange taste. Adding a touch of novelty to the drink is one of the reason of the success it encountered worldwide making it the 2nd most consumed cocktail in the world today1. Many bartender have come with a twist to this classic cocktail. From a barrel ageing version, to a coffee one. Other extravagant twist include the use of champagne or spiced rum. Finally, for a natural and sweet touch, Negroni was mixed with pineapple or lavender showing that there are no limit to the Negroni’s variation.

Sign up for Negroni Week by clicking on this link before the 1st June 2018 with the first 150 venues receiving a special POS Bartender Kit :


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