Mike Enright: Ivy, Group Bars Manager

This month Bartender magazine took some time out to catch up with Mike Enright, Group Bars manager at Ivy and one of the most genuine blokes you could hope to meet.

The Dry Martini

The 1906 Hoffman House Bartenders Guide published what can be considered the first recipe for the Dry Martini.

Ezra Pound: Bar Poetry

Inspired by the revolutionary American poet Ezra Pound, Talmage Anderson and Jan Kulski are attempting their own social revolution with their recently opened Perth venture Ezra Pound.

iHeart my iPhone

Why this precious piece of technology is worthy of the hype.

Heilala’s Vanilla Syrup

Heilala’s latest vanilla syrup is sure to be a hit with bartenders and should be finding its way into a few cocktails shortly.

Jolly Jamaica

Jamaica is no cocktail Mecca by any stretch. Far from it. It doesn’t have a classic drink that the world is thirsty for. There’s no Cuban Daiquiri to call their own.