Start dreaming of $10,000 & a trip to Trinidad thanks to Angostura!

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Though Australia might be in the miserable midst of dreary old winter right now, there’s one cocktail comp that will have you thinking of a warmer climate: witness the return of the Angostura Global Cocktail Challenge for 2013.

This year the prize for taking out the national final has been bumped up to a cracking $10,000 in cash money and a trip to sunny Trinidad to compete in the global finals. The winner will also secure $5,000 worth of stock for his venue, so there’s incentives all round!

Entries are open from the 1st of July — that’s this coming Monday —and all you have to do is put your best cocktailing foot forward. It’s pretty easy to get involved:

Step 1.  Create one original Angostura rum and bitters based cocktail.

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Step 2.  Enter via the island2island Facebook page, where you will be required to submit both the recipe and a video between the 1st and 31st of July 2013.

And get mixing, people, because the first 100 entries will receive miniatures of Angostura aromatic bitters and the 5 year old rum.


Make sure you visit for more info, and start visualising the party in Trinidad now!

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